Important Theological Writings

The Evangelical Lutheran Church

The Lutheran Church is not a sect among sects. Its name is the result of historical circumstances and not really fair (It was a name devised by enemies of the Word of God to insult those who confessed this faith). The Evangelical or Lutheran passion is to trust only in Christ, to bank on who He is and what He did, and what He says — in order to give Him alone all honour. True Lutheranism, therefore, is nothing but consistent Christianity. As such it adheres to Christ’s apostolic word. It therefore recognizes only One Church, the Una Sancta Catholica Apostolica. Its Christians and its theological teachers refuse to betray Christ’s One Church. They are not willing to surrender Una Sancta apostolicity to errors devised by Satan or to a pseudo-union, manufactured jointly by pious enthusiasm and impious indifferentism. While they are happy to acknowledge that every true Christian, every soul trusting alone in Christ’s merits, is part and parcel of the Una Sancta, they are conscious of the fact that they cannot look into anybody’s heart. The Communion of Saints or believers is not seen. As true Lutherans we realize that we can be certain of the One Church’s existence at any given place only if the saving Word and Sacraments are in constant use there, for they have God’s promise not to return void. Actually, we must see the marks of apostolicity and catholicity, the pure Word and the genuine sacraments, to be in evidence before consciously joining a local congregation. The One Church of the One Christ is the church of the One Truth (1 Timothy 3:15: ‘the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth’), not of a medley of truth and error. Pure symbols (creeds) mark its way.”

-- Wilhelm Oesch


Luther - “That a Christian Assembly has the Right and Power to Judge all Teaching, and to Call, Appoint and Dismiss Teachers, Established and Proven by Scripture" (1523, Excerpt, First Argument).pdf
Luther - (Wittenberg faculty opinion) "Das und welcher Gestalt es nicht unrecht sey der Obrigkeit Suend und Laster anzuzeigen".pdf
Luther - Commentary on Galatians 5.9.pdf
Luther - Open Letter to Frankfurt (1533) Concordia Journal (Vieker) - rotated.pdf

C. F. W. Walther

LC-MS - Proposed and First Constitution (1847).pdf
Walther - The Proper Distinction of Law and Gospel.pdf
Walther - Christians Duty to Join An Orthodox Congregation.pdf
Walther - Duties Of An Evangelical Lutheran Synod (1879).pdf

Franz Pieper

Pieper - Romans16.17-Avoid!.pdf
Pieper - Our Position in Doctrine and Practice (Howes).Preface&Treatise (German-English).pdf
Pieper - Unity of Faith (1888).pdf
Pieper - The Difference Between Orthodox and Heterodox Churches (1889).pdf
Pieper - The True Visible Church of God on Earth.pdf
F. Pieper - Distinctive Doctrines of the Lutheran Church - Synodical Conference (1914).pdf

Robert D. Preus

Preus - Confessional Lutheranism in Today's World (1990).pdf
Preus (CTQ) - Luther-Word, Doctrine, and Confession (1996).pdf
Preus - Doctrine of the Call in the Confessions and Lutheran Orthodoxy.pdf

Kurt Marquart

Marquart - CTQ Theological Observer (Vol. 65-2, 2001).pdf
Gard&Marquart - CTQ Theological Observer (Vol. 65-2, 2001).pdf
Marquart -A Question Of Procedures (1966).pdf
Marquart - Fellowship or Communion vs. Unionism or Syncretism (2005).pdf
LCMS CTCR (Minority Opinion) - Theology and Practice of the Divine Call (2003).pdf
Thirteen Theses - Oversees Committee (1961) with Introduction by Kurt Marquart.pdf
Marquart - Church Felllowship (Excerpt, 2003).pdf

Wilhelm Oesch

Oesch - Church and Unity of Doctrine.pdf
Oesch - Memorandum Inter Nos.pdf
Oesch - Unification of the Church (German).pdf
Oesch - The Evangelical Lutheran Church.pdf

Various Authors

LCMS - South Dakota District 1906 - Why and for What Purpose Does A Christian Congregation Join Itself to A Synod? (Sievers).pdf
Graebner - Our Litturgical Chaos (1935).pdf
Wollenburg - Evaluation of LCMS Polity based on the Treatise.pdf
Herman Sasse (Letter 11) - On the Rights and Limitations of the Individual Congregation.pdf
Bode (LC-MS CCM) - Historical Background and Interpretation of Article VI.2 of the Constitution of LCMS (2012).pdf
MacKenzie - Call Ordination in Walther and Early Missouri Synod (Pieper Lectures).pdf
Hoerber - A Grammatical Study of Romans 16:17.pdf
Franzmann (with Behnken) - Exegesis on Romans 16:17ff.pdf
Doctrinal Declarations of Lutheran Bodies in North America (1957).pdf
Norwegian Synod (ELS) - A Letter to the Pastors, Professors Missouri Synod.pdf
Hamann - Not Lutheran but Christian - A False Antithesis.pdf
Maag - The Myth of Selective Fellowship.20231002.pdf
Webber - Communion Frequency.pdf
Bolland - Synod Needs to Be Honest (2016).pdf
Abbot - Why Leave the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (2007).pdf
Kreiss - Notwendigkeit des Lehrkonsensus.pdf

German Reference Works

Leonhard Hutter - Compendium of Lutheran Theology.pdf
R. Pieper - Evangelisch-Lutherische Homiletik (1901).pdf
Pieper - Christliche Dogmatik (German) - Vol 1.pdf
Pieper - Christliche Dogmatik (German) - Vol 2.pdf
Pieper - Christliche Dogmatik (German) - Vol 3.pdf