Communing at Christ Lutheran Church

Communing at Christ Lutheran Church

(The Lord's Supper is a means by which Christ Jesus, our Saviour, strengthens our faith as we receive his actual Body and Blood, under bread and natural wine, for the forgiveness of sins. Because of the public nature of the Sacrament of the Altar as a witness and proclamation of our unity and harmony in Christian teaching, we invite to the altar only those persons who are members in good standing of this congregation or of other orthodox congregations of Lutheran Church--Canada or of synods in fellowship with LCC. We ask that visitors desiring to commune speak to the pastor before the Divine Service. We humbly ask those who are not members of this congregation or have not previously announced their desire to commune to refrain from coming to the altar. We thank you for your understanding.)

For those receiving the Lord's Supper:

As one in fellowship with this congregation, I am committed to the whole Bible as God’s Word, inspired and without error, and to the Lutheran Confessions as a true explanation of that Word.

I acknowledge my sinfulness and grieve over my disobedience of God’s Law (The Ten Commandments) both by what I have done and by what I have failed to do.

I wish to break with sin and amend my life.

I seek God’s mercy and forgiveness, trusting alone in Jesus Christ and in his precious blood and innocent death as my only payment for sin.

I believe that when I receive the consecrated bread and wine, I take into my mouth the actual Body and Blood of the living Son of God, the same Body and Blood which hung on the cross for me.

I believe that the actual Body and Blood of Jesus are received by all communicants, whether they are believing or unbelieving, by the believing for the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation, but by the unbelieving to their eternal judgment.

To my knowledge I am at peace with my brothers and sisters in God’s Church and with my pastor, am ready to offer forgiveness to those who have wronged me, and I seek peace and harmony as a member of Christ’s family in accord with his Word.

“You shall hold with faith unshaken

That this food is to be taken

By the sick who are distressed,

By hearts that long for peace and rest.”